Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Viral Traffic: How To Create Instant FreeTraffic

Customers are required for any store or business to profitable. The more customers you can get into your shop the greater the chances once inside, that they may buy something.

The same is true about the internet. Most online marketers fail to make any profits because of lack of exposure. Selling a product or service online does not depend solely on who beautiful your site is, but what the major search engines think of it.
In order to get noticed you need traffic.

I will like to share with you a new system that will drive 1 million potential customers to your site every month.
I have given this system a test drive and the results so far are impressive.
The system is
1 Free
2 Once set in motion is virtually unstoppable
3 It is also fully automated.

Imagine what could happen to your sales if you could get 1 million unique visitors coming into your store on a monthly basis?
The question I guess is, do you think your existing infrastructure could cope with such a surge in demand?

Here is how it works, click on the banner below this post. This will take you to a webpage that explains how the system works.

Remember it is completely free. All you have to do is view six ads and supply your contact details. Once these have been confirmed you will be sent a link with your own website, id and marketing tools. Paste your banner on your website and email the link to your friends and hopefully they will do the same.
Keep an eye on your stats counter and watch the whole thing take off like a rocket.
This is a lot cheaper than buying traffic and more effective. I will urge you to give it a try. The success of this system depends on how well you can keep it going.
Good luck.

Friday, 23 May 2008

Home Based Business; Factors Affecting Profitability

The one question most people considering embarking on a home based business ask, is how long it will take them to start earning significant sums of money online?

The sales pages of numerous opportunities available today make bold claims of how people in their organization made enormous amounts of money in record time.

While one cannot discount these claims, the onus is surely on the one evaluating the opportunity to check whether such claims are credible.
It is possible to become very rich quickly online, but I think too much emphasis is put on the money aspect. I will prefer to concentrate on the process rather the end product.

The viability of the process or strategy that you deploy will decide how quickly you will become successful online.
The process comes down to two basic points, assuming you already have an opportunity that will interest people and costs relatively little to get started.
1) Website Traffic
2) Your Prospect List

Website Traffic is crucial to any online business, like in the traditional business world. The more people you can get into your store, the greater the chances are that they will purchase something once they get inside. The online world is no different. How you get targeted traffic to you website and quickly are probably the key to profitability on the net, especially if this can be done via the search engines (free advertising). Quality traffic to any website is usually determined by the content available.

The second factor is your list because it is easier to sell to people who have an established relationship with you and have earned your trust than a complete stranger. This more likely if you try hard to help people solve their problems. You must always remember that most people go online seeking to solutions to problems. They are not necessarily seeking to purchase a particular product or service. It is just that they are more likely to do so if it serves an immediate need.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Working From Home and Bahrain

At a time when fuel costs are skyrocketing world wide, I cannot think of a better time for both private and public institutions to encourage as many of their personnel to work from home.
The benefits to the environment will be immense and the work/life balance of the workers particularly those with young children will be greatly enhanced.

I also believe the workers can be more productive if the right safeguards are put in place to ensure the workers work efficiently.

I noticed however, in Bahrain that a bill to permit women to work at home was rejected by the government on the grounds that it was discriminatory against men. I personally think the government should have extended the measure to cover men and women rather than dropping it altogether.

I sincerely wish that governments and institutions around the world will look for innovative ways to make their work force more productive and flexible. Rather than persisting with outmoded work practices and ideas fit for a bygone era.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Procrastination - Overcome It In 3 Simple Steps!

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Procrastination is not just the theft of time; it is the theft of dreams. Many people fail to achieve their full potential because they are afflicted with this scourge.
I know some of you will say, but procrastination may be beneficial at times. The kind of procrastination I am referring to here is not about prioritizing one job over another less important one. I am referring to situations where you persistently put off doing a job, project or chore simply because you cannot face doing it.
The reasons why people procrastinate are varied but I will classify procrastinators broadly into 4 groups.The first group includes those people they feel inadequate; for example student who finds it incredibly hard to start writing his essay or project because he feels completely overwhelmed by the seemingly enormous task.The second group include those who fail to get going because they are perfectionists and just cannot cope with failure.I include in the third group those people who find the task at hand extremely easy and as a result postpone doing their chores until the very last moment because they know they can get the job done on time and very well.The final group includes people who are simply lazy and just do not want to try and will look for every excuse to avoid getting the job done.
Procrastination is the principal reason for loss of productivity sadly, most procrastinators will fail to acknowledge their problem but, they would benefit greatly if they learn to commence the work at hand on time.If you are one of these people affected by this common yet potentially destructive problem and you wish to overcome your tendency for procrastination, then I have good news for you.
My intention is to share with you 3 simple steps that will help you get rid of this malady and help you fulfill you dreams and long term goals.
I run my own home based business and I know just how dangerous procrastination can be and I have had to overcome it in order to stay focused. Since I have started to adopt these steps I have found a significant improvement in my output and I will urge you to give these tips a try and be amazed by the results.
1. Make a list of all the tasks you need to accomplish
Prioritize the important tasks and allocate sufficient time for each task. One of the reasons why people put tasks off is because they do not allocate enough time to get it done and then become frustrated because they perceive that they are not making progress.
A list of activities to accomplish per day will allow you to realistically budget your time. The other advantage of a list is that you are less likely to squander the time you have when you know you have so much left to do.I personally prefer to use a personal digital assistant but you can use what ever works for you e.g. a journal or calendar of events to assist you plan your schedule. This will enable you can start them and complete them in a timely manner.
2. Swish Technique
This neuro linguistic programming technique (NLP) can be learnt very quickly and is extremely effective. Whenever you do not feel motivated to do your work, create a picture in your mind of the consequences of not doing it. Make this image vivid. Create another smaller picture in the corner of the first picture but dissociated from it of what might happen if you completed the task and did it very well. Generate a swish sound while switching the images making the undesirable image go away by making it become smaller and darker. Replace first undesired picture with the desired goal oriented image making the latter bigger and brighter.
Practice doing this a few times until you can do it very quickly. A college student may create an image of what it will be like to fail an important examination and all the consequences that may follow if he allowed that to happen because he did not study properly. The second image may see him receiving his degree while his parents and other family members congratulate him on his achievements.You can create whatever images you like but try to make them very vivid and add in other sensory modalities such as smell or touch to make the pictures more effective.
3. Get on with it
Once you have gone through steps 1 and 2 just get on with the task. Try breaking it down into small component parts and get on with it. Remember whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
I will recommend these steps to any one serious about overcoming procrastination and I will be surprised if you do not achieve immediate results. Some of the steps may feel awkward at first but with a little practice will start to occur spontaneously. Nothing is accomplished by staying still start now.